*  Exported from  MasterCook  *
                         FUDGE FROSTING :::GWHP32A
 Recipe By     : 
 Serving Size  : 1    Preparation Time :0:00
 Categories    : 
   Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
 --------  ------------  --------------------------------
    3       ea           Unsweetened Chocolate -- squa
    1 1/2   c            Milk
    3       c            Sugar
    1       d            Salt
    3       tb           Light corn syrup
    3       tb           Butter
    1 1/2   ts           Vanilla
   Add chocolate to milk and place over low flame. Cook
   until mixture is smooth and blended, stirring
   constantly. Add sugar, salt, and corn syrup; stir
   until sugar is dissolved and mixture boils. Continue
   boiling, without stirring, until a small amount of
   mixture forms a very soft ball in cold water  ( 232
   degrees F.). Remove from fire. Add butter and va-
   nilla. Cool.to lukewarm (110 degrees F.). Beat until
   of right consistency to spread.  If necessary, place
   over hot water to keep soft while spreading. Makes
   enough frosting to cover tops and sides of two 9-inch
   layers, or top and sides of 13x9x2-inch cake. Kate
   Smith Collection: See Coconut Cake for details.
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