----- Now You're Cooking! v4.60 [Meal-Master Export Format]
       Title: Easy Banana Cream Pie
  Categories: desserts, pies
       Yield: 6 Servings
     1/4 c  cornstarch
     2/3 c  sugar
     1/4 ts salt
       2 c  milk; warmed
       3    egg yolks
       2 tb butter
     1/2 ts vanilla extract
       3    bananas; sliced
       1    9 inch pie shell; baked
       1    sweetened whipped cream
   Combine cornstarch, sugar and salt in top of  double boiler.  Gradually
   whisk in milk.  Cook over simmering water, whisking constantly, until
   mixture thickens, about 10 minutes.  Mixture must boil to thicken.
   Lightly beat egg yolks in small bowl.  Slowly add about 1/4 cup hot
    to egg yolks and mix well.  Stir egg yolks back into milk mixture in
   double boiler and cook 5 minutes.  Let cool slightly, then stir in butter
   and vanilla until butter melts.  Add banana slices.  Pour into cooled
    pie shell and chill until set, about 1-1/2 hours.  Top with sweetened
   whipped creawm.
   Contributor:  The Complete Idiot’s Guide To Baking - Emily Nolan and