*  Exported from  MasterCook  *
                            TOFFEE ICE CREAM PIE
 Recipe By     : Family Circle magazine -- 2/18/97
 Serving Size  : 12   Preparation Time :0:00
 Categories    : Desserts                         Ice Cream
                 Pies & Pastry
   Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
 --------  ------------  --------------------------------
                         ** CRUST **
    1      packet        (11 crackers) chocolate graham crackers
    2      tablespoons   butter, -- melted
    1      tablespoon    sugar
      1/2  teaspoon      ground cinnamon
                         ** SAUCE **
      1/2  cup           heavy cream
    1      teaspoon      espresso powder or instant coffee powder
    6      ounces        semisweet chocolate pieces
    1      teaspoon      vanilla
    4      pints         coffee-toffee-crunch ice cream
                         whipped cream, for topping -- (optional)
 CRUST:  Heat oven to 350.  Blend crackers, butter, sugar and cinnamon in
 food processor.  Scrape into a 9-inch pie plate.  Pat in even layer over
 bottom and up sides. Bake in a 350 oven for 8 minutes.  Cool completely
 on rack.  
 SAUCE: Heat cream and espresso powder in small saucepan.  Remove from
 heat.  Stir in chocolate and vanilla until smooth.  Let cool.  Place ice
 cream in refrigerator for 30 minutes.  Spread half the ice cream in even
 layer in baked shell.  Drizzle with half the sauce.  Repeat with
 remaining ice cream and sauce.  Freeze for up to 2 weeks.  Remove from
 freezer 20 minutes before serving.  Serve with whipped cream, if desired.
 Typed by Ethel Snyder <essie49@juno.com>
 Date:  July 24, 1997 
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