*  Exported from  MasterCook  *
                              THREE-PEACH PIE
 Recipe By     : 
 Serving Size  : 8    Preparation Time :0:00
 Categories    : Pies                             Desserts
   Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
 --------  ------------  --------------------------------
                         -Don Fifield
                         Pastry for 2 crusts
      1/3  cup           Toasted almonds -- chopped
    3      pounds        Peaches-mixed varieties
                         -White, yellow -- aromatic
                         -peeled, pitted -- sliced
      1/2  cup           Sun-dried cherries -- plumped
                         -in brandy and drained
    1      cup           Light brown sugar
    1      teaspoon      Ground cinnamon
    2 3/4  tablespoons   Quick-cooking tapioca
    2      tablespoons   Fresh limon juice
    3      tablespoons   Unsalted butter
    2      tablespoons   Milk
    2      tablespoons   Sugar -- combined with:
    1      teaspoon      Ground cinnamon
                         Whipped cream -- (optional)
 Preheat oven to 400 deg. Lightly butter a deep 9-inch pie pan and set aside. Roll
pastry into 1 lg circle 1/8-inch thick; line the prepared pan, leaving sides to
overlap onto counter. Sprinkle almonds over the bottom. Toss peaches, cherries,
brown sugar, 1 ts cinnamon, topioca and lemon juice together in a bowl, then heap
into pie pan. Dot with butter. Pull pastry up and over filling into a rough
topping. Brush top crust lightly with milk and sprinkle with cinnamon-sugar. Bake
for 10 min., lower heat to 350 deg. and bake another 35-40 min, until golden. 
Cool completely before removing from pan.From “Lee Bailey’s California Wine
Country Cooking” by Bailey Per serving: 507 cal., 23 grams fat, 26 mg chol., 286
mg sodium.Atlanta Journal-Constitution
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