---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05
       Title: Topsy Turvy Apple Pecan Pie
  Categories: Pies, Fruits
       Yield: 2 Servings
     1/4 c  Softened Butter or Margarine
     1/2 c  Pecan Halves
     2/3 c  Firmly Packed Brown Sugar
            Pastry for 2-Crust Pie
       6 c  Sliced Tar Apples*
       2 tb Lemon Juice
       1 tb Flour
     1/2 c  Sugar
     1/2 ts Cinnamon
     1/2 ts Nutmeg
     1/4 ts Salt
   *INGREDIENT LIST SHOULD READ:  6 cups sliced tart apples (about 2 1/2
   lbs.).Spread softened butter evenly on bottom and dises of 9 pie pan.
   Press pecan halves, rounded side down, into butter. Pat brown sugar evenly
   over pecans.  Roll out enough pastry for 1 crust; place in pie pan over
   siguar; trim, leaving 1/2 overhang. Combine remaining ingredients; pour
   into pie pan, keeping top level.  Top with remaining pastry; trim even with
   bottom crust; fold edges together, flush with rim; flute. Prick top of pie
   with fork. Bake in hot oven, 450 degrees, 10 mins.; reduce heat to
   moderate, 350 degrees; bake 30-45 minutes or longer, or until apples are
   tender.  Remove from oven. When syrup in pan stops bubbling, place serving
   plate over pie; invert. Carefully remove pie pan. SERVE HOT.I have not made
   this recipe yet.  It sounds great for Thanksgiving. It came from one of the
   Rochester newspapers. Marilyn Sultar