---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05
       Title: Thanksgiving Day Fat-Free Pumpkin Pie
  Categories: Pies, Low-cal, Bakery
       Yield: 6 servings
       1 c  Dry bread crumbs
       1 sm Sugar pumpkin; 2 # or
   1 1/2 c  Pumpkin, canned
       4    Egg whites
     2/3 c  Sugar
     1/2 ts Salt
       1 ts Cinnamon
     1/4 ts Ginger or
       1 ts Finely grated fresh
     1/4 ts Nutmeg
   1 1/4 c  Evaporated skim milk
    To prepare crust, generously spray 9 Pyrex pie plate with vegetable
   cooking spray.  Scatter crumbs over & evenly press into surface. Spray
   crumbs with spray & bake crust on middle rack @ 350 for 10-15 min till dry
   & lightly colored. Cool on rack. If using fresh pumpkin, rinse, stem &
   halve pumpkin. Scrape away seeds (bake them on jelly roll pan with dash of
   salt if desired) and filaments & cut into 2 chunks. Using paring knife,
   remove skin & place pumpkin in lg baking dish. Add 1/2 c water & cover dish
   tightly with foil. Bake @ 350 about 1 hr, till soft, checking to make sure
   that water has not evaporated, adding more if needed. Cool & puree pumpkin
   in food processor.  If there is more than needed, salt leftovers lightly &
   freeze up to several months in tightly sealed plastic container. To prepare
   filling, scrape cooked fresh pumpkin or canned pumpkin into bowl & whisk in
   egg whites.  Whisk in sugar, salt, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg & evap milk,
   one ingredient at a time, whisking smooth between each addition. Pour into
   prepared crust. Bake @ 350 till filling is set, 1 hr. Cool on rack.
   Refrigerate if prepared more than a few hours in advance of serving. Posted
   on Prodigy by Kim Clegg.