---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05
       Title: The Orginal Baked Whole Pumpkin Pie
  Categories: Pies, Bakery
       Yield: 8 servings
       5 lb Pumpkin; (5-7 pounds)
       6    Eggs
       2 c  Whipping cream
     1/2 c  Brown sugar
       1 tb Molasses
     1/2 ts Freshly grated nutmeg
       1 ts Cinnamon
     1/4 ts Ginger
       2 tb Butter
   Recipe by: The Frugal Gourmet 'Cooks American'
        Cut the lid off the pumpkin just as you would for a jack-o-lantern.
   Remove the seeds. Mix the remaining ingredients together with the
   exceptions of the butter. Fill the pumpkin with this mixture and top with
   the butter. Cover with the pumpkin lid and place in a baking pan. Bake at
   350F degrees for 1 to 1 1/2 hours, or until the mixture has set like a
   custard. Serve from the pumpkin at your table, scraping some of the meat
   from the pumpkin with each serving.