---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05
       Title: The Ultimate Pumpkin Pie
  Categories: Pies, Bakery
       Yield: 1 servings
   1 1/4 c  All-purpose flour
     1/2 c  Powdered sugar
     1/2 c  Butter; cut in pieces
       3 tb Whipping cream
     3/4 c  Sugar
       1 tb Light brown sugar
       1 tb Cornstarch
       2 ts Ground cinnamon
     3/4 ts Ground ginger
     1/4 ts (generous) salt
       1 cn Pumpkin; large can
     3/4 c  Whipping cream
     1/2 c  Sour cream
       3 lg Eggs; beaten
     1/4 c  Apricot preserves
   Pumpkin pie was introduced to the holiday table at the Pilgrims second
   Thanksgiving in 1623. Decorate this American classic with some whipped
   cream, or serve the cream alongside. For crust: Preheat oven to 350
   degrees. Blend first 3 ingredients in processor until mixture resembles
   coarse meal. Add cream and process until moist clumps form. Gather dough
   into ball; flatten into disk. Wrap in plastic; chill for 15 minutes. Roll
   out dough on floured surface to 14-inch round. Transfer dough to 9-inch
   glass pie dish. Trim overhang to 1 inch. Fold overhang under. Make cut in
   crust edge at 1/2- inch intervals. Bend alternate edge pieces inward.
   Freeze 15 minutes. Line crust with foil, pressing firmly. Bake until sides
   are set, about 10 minutes. Remove foil. Bake crust until pale brown, about
   10 minutes more. Reduce oven temperature to 325; For filling: Using whisk,
   mix first 6 ingredients in bowl until no lumps remain. Blend in pumpkin,
   whipping cream, sour cream and eggs. Spread preserves over crust; pour in
   filling. Bake until filling puffs at edges and center is almost set, about
   55 minutes. Cool on rack. Cover; chill until cold. (Can be made 1 day
   ahead.) Source: Bon Appetit Magazine - November, 1993 Dottie Cross