---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02
  Categories: Desserts, Pies
       Yield: 6 servings
            PECAN CRUST ***
   2 1/2 c  Ground pecans (9oz)
     1/3 c  Granulated sugar
     1/4 c  Butter, melted, unsalted
            EGGNOG FILLING ***
       2 pk Unflavored gelatin
     1/4 c  Cold water
       2 tb Brandy
       6    Egg yolks
     1/2 c  Granulated sugar
       2 c  Scalded milk
       2 ts Vanilla extract
     1/4 c  Dark rum
       1 c  Heavy cream
            CREAM TOPPING ***
       1 c  Heavy cream
       2 tb Confectioners sugar
            Chocolate curls and
            Raspberries for garnish
   PECAN CRUST: Butter 10 in. pie plate. In medium bowl, combine pecans, sugar
   and melted butter. Mix well. Press firmly into pie plate. Cover and
   refrigerate 30 minutes while preheating oven to 375 F. Bake crust until
   lightly browned (about 15 - 20 min.) EGGNOG FILLING: In a small bowl
   sprinkle gelatin over cold water and brandy and allow to soften. While that
   soaks, combine egg yolks and sugar in small mixer bowl and mix at high
   speed with electric mixer until mixture forms ribbons when beaters are
   lifted. Pour into large heavy saucepan and slowly stir in hot milk. Cook
   over medium-low heat, stirring constantly, until mixture thickens enough to
   coat the spoon (and/or thermometer registers 172 F). DO NOT BOIL. Remove
   from heat and stir in softened gelatin until disolved. Stir in vanilla and
   rum. Pour custard into a medium bowl set into a larger bowl of ice and
   water and allow to cool, stirring frequently. When it begins to set around
   the edges, remove from ice bath (do not allow to set completely). In
   chilled bowl, beat cream to soft peaks and fold gradually into custard. If
   necessary, refrigerate filling a few minutes until it mounds when spooned.
   Pile filling into crust and refigerate until set (about an hour). CREAM
   TOPPING: In chilled medium bowl, whip cream and confectioners sugar to
   stiff peaks and pile on top of pie. Garnish with chocolate curls and