---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02
       Title: TOLL HOUSE PIE II
  Categories: Pies
       Yield: 8 servings
       1 x  Pastry for 9 one crust pie
       1 c  Butter,melted
       1 x  And cooled to room temperatu
       2 ea Eggs
     1/2 c  All-purpose flour
       6 oz Nestle Toll House
       1 x  Semi-sweet chocolate morsels
     1/2 c  Sugar
     1/2 c  Firmly packed brown sugar
       1 c  Chopped walnuts
       1 x  Whipped cream or ice cream,o
      Preheat oven to 325 degrees.Prepare pastry.In a large bowl,beat
   eggs until foamy.Add flour,sugars;beat until well blended.Blend in
   butter.Stir in semi-sweet chocolate morsels and walnuts.Pour into
   pastry lined pie plate.Bake until set,about 1 hour.Serve warm with
   whipped cream or ice cream,if desired.8 to 12 servings.