---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02
  Categories: Low-cal, Fruits, Desserts
       Yield: 8 servings
       1 c  Water
       2 c  Cranberry juice cocktail
       1 c  Fresh cranberries, cleaned
       2 tb Unflavored gelatin (2 pkg)
       1 c  Skim evaporated milk *
       2    Env. aspartame sweetener
   *  or add about 1/3 cup skim milk powder to half a cup
   of milk, stir and fill the cup up to 1 cup mark.
   Combine water, 1 cup of the cranberry juice cocktail,
   cranberries and gelatin in a small saucepan.  Stir to
   mix slightly.  Allow to rest for 5 minutes or until
   gelatin softens.
   Cook and stir over medium heat until cranberries have
   completely “popped.” Remove from heat.  Stir in
   remaining cranberry juice cocktail and evaporated
   milk.  Add sweetener and stir thoroughly.
   Pour into metal tray, pan or bowl.  Place in freezer
   until mixture forms crystals around the edge of the
   pan.  Beat until creamy.  Return to pan and freeze;
   stir occasionally.  Makes 8 servings.
   (Note from ER:  Plastic 3/4 cup size yogurt containers
   are good for dividing frozen desserts in equal
   1 serving:  1 fruit exchange, 42 calories
   Source:  Diabetic High Fiber Cookbook by Mary Jane
   Finsand c.1985 Shared but not tested by Elizabeth
   Rodier Oct 93