*  Exported from  MasterCook  *
                             Mom’s Gefilte Fish
 Recipe By     : Carole Walberg’s Mother
 Serving Size  : 12   Preparation Time :3:00
 Categories    : Fish                             Jewish
   Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
 --------  ------------  --------------------------------
    2      Pounds        Fish Fillets
                         (Pickerel & Whitefish Or Pike)
      1/3  Cup           Oil
    5      Large         Eggs
    2      Tablespoons   Matzo Meal
      1/2  Cup           Water
    1 1/2  Teaspoons     Salt -- To Taste
      1/2  Teaspoon      Pepper -- To Taste
    1      Teaspoon      Sugar
    1      Small         Onion
                         Fish Stock:
                         Head, Skin, Bones From Fish -- If Available
    2      Stalks        Celery -- Cut In Half
    2                    Carrots -- Cut In Half
    1      Large         Onion -- Cut In Half
    6      Cups          Cold Water -- Approximately
    1      Tablespoon    Margarine
    1      Teaspoon      Sugar
    1      Teaspoon      Salt
 1. Fish: Salt fish fillets.  Let stand for approximately 15 minutes. Rinse 
 fillets.  Grind fish and onion using processor or meat grinder.  Add 
 seasonings, water, oil, eggs, and matzo meal to fish-onion mixture.  Mix 
 well.  Shape into patties and fry in hot oil until nicely browned.   
 Patties are easily shaped if hands are moistened with cold water.
 2. Stock: Place fish patties and vegetables in bottom of large stock pot. 
 (Add fish bones, etc. if available). Add water to cover fish.  Add 
 seasonings and margarine.  Cover and simmer for about 2 hours.  If 
 desired, fish may be made into patties and then frozen before the 
 simmering.  Carefully remove fish from stock and arrange on platter with 
 vegetables   around the fish.  Serve hot or cold with horseradish.
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