MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02
       Title: KNISHES
  Categories: Vegetables, Cheese, Jewish
       Yield: 1 batch
       1    Egg
       1 ts White vinegar
     1/4 c  Salad oil
   2 3/4 c  Flour
     3/4 c  ;Water
 MMMMM--------------------POTATO ONION FILLING-------------------------
       4 lg Yellow onions; peeled
   3 1/2 lb Potatoes; peeled & finely
            Salt & pepper; to taste
     1/4 c  Butter
     1/4 c  Schmalz
 MMMMM-----------------------CHEESE FILLING----------------------------
       3 lg Yellow onions; peeled
      12 oz Cream cheese; cut up &
   2 1/2 lb Dry-curd cottage cheese
            -or farmer cheese
       4 T  Butter
   These knishes are light and delightful, and not difficult to make.
   Have your chosen filling all prepared before you start the dough.
   Place all the ingredients in the bowl of a heavy electric mixer, such
   as a KitchenAid.  Mix with the dough hook until the dough is very
   smooth. Cover and allow the dough to rest for 15 minutes.
   Divide the dough into 2 pieces.  Roll out 1 piece of the dough into a
   very thin rectangle.  Place a rope of the filling, about 3/4 inch in
   diameter, 1 inch away from the long edge of the dough.  Fold the long
   edge of the dough over to enclose the filling; press to seal.  Cut
   the filled roll away from the rest of the dough.  Using the narrow
   edge of the handle of a table knife, press and cut the into
   individual knishes, 2 inches long. Place the Knishes on oiled baking
   sheets.  Repeat with the remaining dough and filling.  Bake at 425 F.
   uncovered, until lightly browned, about 20 minutes.
   Onion filling:  Saute the onions in butter and chicken fat until
   golden brown.  Boil the potatoes, drain, and mash.  Add the onions,
   along with any oil that remains in the pan.  Season with salt and
   Cheese filling:  Saute the onion in butter until golden.  Mix the
   onion in with the remaining ingredients, including any butter left in
   the pan, cover, and chill.
   HINT: TO RENDER CHICKEN FAT.  While chicken fat can be purchased in
   any Jewish market, it is easy to prepare fresh at home.  It is called
   SCHMALZ. Simply combine chopped fresh chicken fat and skin with a
   little water in a small frying pan over medium-low heat until the fat
   is liquid and the solids have shrunk to very small, crunchy bits.
   This should take about 20 minutes.  Strain the bits from the fat and
   use for other recipes. Watch carefully while rendering so the bits
   don't burn. Refrigerate the fat.
                      The Frugal Gourmet on Our Immigrant Ancestors
                              by Jeff Smith