*  Exported from  MasterCook  *
                   Kugel With Cherve, Scallions & Chives
 Recipe By     : Bevmed
 Serving Size  : 1    Preparation Time :0:00
 Categories    : Ethnic                           Pasta
                 Side Dishes                      Cheese/Eggs
   Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
 --------  ------------  --------------------------------
    1      lb            wide egg noodles
      3/4  lb            creamed cottage cheese
      1/2  lb            fresh chevre (goat cheese) -- crumbled
    1      cup           sour cream
    1      cup           finely chopped scallions -- w/some green
    1      to 2 T        minced fresh chives
    2      t             kosher salt
    1      t             freshly ground pepper
      1/2  cup           (1 stick) unsalted butter -- melted
    6      large         eggs -- beaten
 Preheat oven to 350.  Thoroughly butter a 12x9 baking dish.  Bring a large
 pot of salted water to a brisk boil.  Add noodles and cook just until tender,
 about 10 minutes.  Drain thoroughly and cool.  In a large mixing bowl, blend
 cottage cheese, chevre, and sour cream.  Add scallions, chives, salt &
 pepper, melted butter and beaten eggs.  Blend thoroughly.  Fold in noodles
 and blend well.  Pour into the prepared baking dish.  Bake  for 1 hour or
 until knife inserted in center comes out clean.  Let stand 5 minutes before
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 NOTES : Here is a different baked noodle pudding from a wonderful cookbook called
ONIONS, ONIONS, ONIONS by Linda & Fred Griffith  They recommend serving it
 with a Chardonnay wine.  It goes great with chicken, and also as a stand
 alone brunch dish.