---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.00
       Title: Latkes - (Potato Pancakes)
  Categories: Pancakes, Jewish
       Yield: 4 servings
       2 lg Baking Potatoes
       1 tb Onion, grated
       1    Egg
     1/3 c  Flour
       1 c  Vegetable Oil
            Plain Lowfat Yogurt
            Unsweetened Applesauce
   Keywords: Vegetarian, Lacto, Breakfast
   Peel and grate the potatoes onto paper towels.  Squeeze out the
   Combine the potatoes and the remaining ingredients, except the yogurt
   applesauce.  Beat well.
   Heat the oil in a skillet.  Drop the batter into the oil by spoonfuls. 
   until crisp and brown on both sides.  Remove from the skillet and drain
   paper towels.  Serve warm with plain yogurt and unsweetened applesauce.
   Note: One-fourth cup oil is used in frying.  Reserve rest of oil for
   use by storing in the refrigerator.
   Serves 4
   One Serving of 3 Pancakes (yogurt and applesauce not included) 
   260 Carbohydrates: 27 Protein: 5 Fat: 15 Sodium: 23 Potassium: 449
   Cholesterol:  66
   Exchange Value: 2 Bread Exchanges + 3 Fat Exchanges (yogurt and
   not included)
   Source: Holiday Cookbook, American Diabetes Association, ISBN
   0-13-024894-0, by Betty Wedman, M.S.,R.D.