---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02
  Categories: Seafood, Jewish
       Yield: 6 servings
       4 lb Striped bass
       1 sm Onion, sliced
       1    Carrot, sliced
       1    Stalk celery, coarsely
       1    Lemon sliced
     1/4 ts Whole peppercorns
            White pepper
       1 c  Home made mayonnaise made
            -with olive oil
   Fish must be absolutely fresh. Clean the fish well
   making sure the gills are removed from the head.
   Separate the head from the body and remove all bones
   from fish.  Save head and bones. Place  onion, carrot,
   celery, one slice lemon and the peppercorns into a
   fish poacher.  Add the fish filets, the head and the
   bones.  Add cold water to cover and 1/2 tsp salt.
   Simmer, covered, for 10 - 20 minutes or until done.
   The fish is done when the eye pops out a little and
   the meat flakes.  Remove from heat. Carefully pick out
   any pieces of meat avoiding bones and vegetables and
   arrange inside a fish mold or on an oval serving
   plate. Lightly season with salt, white pepper and
   lemon juice. Strain the broth and return to the stove.
   Let it boil uncovered until the liquid is reduced to
   about a cup, then pour it over the fish and
   refrigerate until the gelatin is firm. To serve,
   unmold and cut in half lengthwise with a sharp knife.
   Then cut each half into four or five pieces diagonally
   forming a fishbone pattern. Mask the cuts under a
   swirl of mayonnaise so the effect looks like a whole
   fish. Cut the lemon slices and arrange around the fish
   to look like fins.