---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05
       Title: Grilled Turkey Breast With Apricot Plum Sauce
  Categories: Poultry, Main dish
       Yield: 6 Servings
       1    Bone-in (3-to 3 1/2-pound)
            -turkey breast
       1 c  Apricot nectar
     1/4 c  Olive oil
       3 tb Lite soy sauce
     1/2 ts Freshly ground pepper
       6 lg Purple plums or medium
            -peaches, peeled, seeded and
       1    Fresh jalapeno peppers,
            -seeded and minced (up to 2)
     1/4 c  Minced green onions
     1/4 c  Minced cilantro
       3 tb Light brown sugar
            WEBER Charcoal Kettle or
            -Genesis Gas Barbecue
   Charcoal: Indirect Gas: Indirect/Medium Heat Remove and discard skin from
   turkey breast. Place turkey in a heavy-duty zip-top plastic bag or shallow
   baking dish. Combine apricot nectar and next 4 ingredients in a jar; cover
   tightly, and shake vigorously. Remove and refrigerate 3/4 cup marinade.
   Pour remaining marinade over turkey, turning to coat; seal bag or cover,
   and refrigerate overnight, turning turkey occasionally.
   Combine 1/4 cup reserved marinade, plums, and next 4 ingredients in a
   medium bowl; cover and refrigerate at least 1 hour. Remove turkey from
   marinade; discard marinade. Place turkey in center of cooking grate over a
   drip pan; grill 1 1/2 to 2 hours or until an instant-read meat thermometer
   registers 170°, brush occasionally with remaining 1/2 cup reserved
   marinade; let stand 10 minutes before slicing. Serve with chilled plum