*  Exported from  MasterCook  *
                           Tandoori Turkey Kabobs
 Recipe By     : Unknown Cooking Magazine
 Serving Size  : 4    Preparation Time :0:00
 Categories    : All Newly Typed Not Shared       Bbq/Grill
   Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
 --------  ------------  --------------------------------
    1      teaspoon      ground cumin
      1/2  teaspoon      salt
      1/4  teaspoon      cayenne pepper
      1/4  teaspoon      ground cinnamon
      1/4  teaspoon      ground cloves
    2      small         cloves garlic -- minced
    1      small         jalapeno pepper, seeded and minced -- optional
    1      Tablespoon    minced or grated fresh ginger
    1                    turkey breast tenderloin (1--1 1/4 pound) -- 3/4
    2      Tablespoons   vegetable oil
    4                    pita breads halved -- optional
 Combine cumin, salt, cayenne pepper, cinnamon and cloves in smal bowl;
 reserve 1/2 tespoon cumin mixture for Raita.  Prepare Raita.  Add garlic,
 jalapeno pepper and ginger to remaining cumin mixture in bowl.  Place turkey
 in large bowl; drizzle with oil and toss to coat.  Sprinkle cumin mixture
 over turkey; toss to coat.  Thread turkey onto metal or wooden skewers.
  (Soak wooden skewers in hot water 30 minutes to prevent burning.)  Lightly
 oil hot grid to prevent sticking.  Grill turkey on covered grill over
 medium-hot heat 7-12 minutes or until turkey is no longer pink, turning once.
  Serve in pita breads, if desired, with Raita.
 1 cup plain low fat yogurt
 3/4 cup finely diced, seeded peeled cucumber
 1 1/2 Tablespoons minced fresh mint
 2 to 3 teaspoons honey
 Combine all ingredients plus reserved 1/2 teaspoon cumin mixture from
 Tandoori Turkey Kabobs in small bowl.  Cover and refrigerate until ready to
 serve.  Makes 1 1/2 cups.
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