---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02
  Categories: Poultry
       Yield: 1 turkey
      12 lb Turkey
      12    Ti leaves
       1    Banana leaf
     1/2 c  Butter or margarine
            -- softened
       3 tb Hawaiian salt
       2 ts Liquid smoke
   Rinse and drain turkey. Line a large baking pan with foil.
   Wash ti leaves and banana leaf, remove fibrous part of the
   veins. Line baking pan with ti leaves radiating from center;
   place half of the banana leaf in bottom of pan. Place turkey on
   leaves. Rub remaining ingredients on inside and outside of
   turkey. Place remaining half of banana leaf over turkey; fold
   leaves around turkey. Crimp foil around turkey and cover pan
   tightly with additional foil. Roast in electric oven at 375¡F for
   6 hours. Shred turkey, adding enough of the pan liquid to
   moisten meat. Makes 8 to 10 servings.
   Reprinted with permission from:
   The Electric Kitchen & Hawaiian Electric Company, Inc.
   [Meal-Master compatible format by Karen Mintzias]