*  Exported from  MasterCook  *
                              WESTERN FRITTATA
 Recipe By     : 
 Serving Size  : 8    Preparation Time :0:00
 Categories    : Side Dish
   Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
 --------  ------------  --------------------------------
    1       lb           Ground turkey
    2       ts           Minced garlic
    2       ts           Oil
    1 1/4   ts           Salt
    1       t            Cumin
      3/4   ts           Dried sage leaves
      3/4   ts           Dried thyme leaves
      1/2   ts           Pepper
    1       pk           American Mixtures Western-
                         -style frozen potatoes,
                         -green beans, onions and
                         -red peppers, thawed (16 oz)
    8                    Eggs, slightly beaten
    1       cn           Sliced mushrooms, well
                         -drained (4 1/2 oz)
    4       oz           Shredded, reduced-fat
                         -Cheddar or mozzarella
   In 12 nonstick skillet over medium-high heat, brown
   turkey and garlic in oil, 10-12 minutes, stirring
   frequently; drain. Add salt, cumin, sage, thyme,
   pepper and vegetables; mix well. Reduce heat to low;
   pour eggs over vegetable mixture in skillet. Cover;
   cook 15-20 minutes. While cooking, as edges set, run
   spatula around edge of skilelt and lift vegetable
   mixture to allow uncooked eggs to flow to bottom of
   skillet. Cook until eggs are set. Sprinkle with
   mushrooms and cheese. Cover; cook 3 minutes or until
   cheese begins to melt. Loosen edges of frittata; slide
   onto large serving plate. Cut into wedges.
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