---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.04
  Categories: Holiday
       Yield: 20 servings
       8 oz Ground turkey
     1/4 c  Fresh chopped parsley
     1/3 c  Matzo meal
       1    Egg,lightly beaten
     1/8 ts Ground nutmeg
     1/2 ts Sal;t
     1/8 ts Pepper
   Combine turkey, parsley, matzo meal, egg, nutmeg, salt
   and pepper. Chill 2 hours or overnight.  Roll into
   small balls 1 in diameter. Drop gently into pot of
   boiling water.  Cover and cook for 5 to 7 minutes or
   until cooked in center.  Chill and reheat when needed.
   Makes 20 to 24 balls. To reheat:  Cover with foil and
   place in a 350 deg.oven