---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.04
       Title: Turkey Squares
  Categories: Poultry
       Yield: 8 Servings
       3 c  Finely diced leftover cooked
            - turkey
       2 c  Fine soft breadcrumbs
       1 c  Turkey stock
     2/3 c  Finely diced celery
       2 tb Minced parsley
       3    Eggs, slightly beaten
       1 tb Lemon juice
       2 tb Finely diced onion
     2/3 c  10% cream
            Salt and pepper to taste
            Leftover turkey gravy
   Mix together first nine ingredients, add salt and
   pepper and place in a lightly buttered baking dish.
   Set the dish in a larger oven-proof dish and add water
   to a depth of 1/2 inch. Bake in a preheated oven at
   350F for 50-60 minutes.  Cut into squares and serve
   with the turkey gravy (heated).Source: The Canadian
   Heritage Cookbook ch.