*  Exported from  MasterCook  *
                       Smoked Turkey & Couscous Rolls
 Recipe By     : Cooking Live Show #CL8896
 Serving Size  : 1    Preparation Time :0:00
 Categories    : Cooking Live                     Import
   Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
 --------  ------------  --------------------------------
    3      tablespoons   olive oil
      1/2  teaspoon      tumeric
      3/4  cup           couscous
    2      tablespoons   fresh lime juice
    1      tablespoon    finely chopped jalapeno
      1/4  cup           thinly sliced scallion
    3      tablespoons   fresh orange juice
    3      tablespoons   minced fresh cilantro
                         freshly ground black pepper
    1      pound         thinly sliced smoked turkey
    1                    avocado -- halved, pitted,
                         -- peeled and cut
                         -- into thin strips
                         -- and sprinkled
                         with lime juice
    1                    red bell pepper -- cut lengthwise
                         -- into 1/4-inch
                         -- strips
 In a small saucepan bring 1 cup water to a boil with 1 tablespoon oil, salt to 
 taste, and tumeric. Stir in the couscous, cover and let stand for 5 minutes. St
 ir in the remaining 2 tablespoons oil, the lime juice, the jalapeno, the scalli
 on, the orange ju
 ice, the cilantro, salt and pepper to taste. Allow the mixture to cool to room 
 temperature. Press about 2 tablespoons of the couscous mixture in the palm of o
 ne hand, forming a log, and arrange it across a short end of 1 turkey slice. Ar
 range 1 avocado s
 lice and 1 pepper strip along each side of the log and roll up the couscous, av
 ocado, bell pepper tightly in the turkey. With a sharp knife cut the roll into 
 1-inch lengths, trimming the ends. Make rolls with the remaining turkey, cousco
 us mixture, avoca
 do and pepper strips in the same manner. The rolls may be prepared 8 hours in a
 dvance and kept wrapped in plastic wrap and chilled.
 Yield: about 52 hors d'oeuvres
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