*  Exported from  MasterCook  *
                          Turkey Cutlets Milanaise
 Recipe By     : 
 Serving Size  : 4    Preparation Time :0:00
 Categories    : Italian                          Poultry
   Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
 --------  ------------  --------------------------------
    2      (1 Oz.) Slic  French Bread
    8                    (2 Oz.) Turkey Breast
                         OR Other Firm White Bread
    2      tablespoon    Flour
      1/4  cup           Grated Parmesan
    1      tablespoon    Chopped Fresh Parsley
    1                    Egg Beaten
                         Lemon Wedges
    1                    Egg White
 With Knife Blade in Processor, Add Bread Cubes.  Process About 30 Sec. OR Until
Crumbs Are Fine.  Spread Crumbs On An Ungreased Baking Sheet. Bake At 350 For 7
Min. OR Until Crumbs Are Lightly Browned. Combine 1 C. Bread Crumbs & Parmesan
Cheese in A Shallow Bowl; Reserving Remaining Crumbs For Another Use.  Set Aside.
Combine Egg & Egg White in A Shallow Bowl. Set Aside. Pound Each Turkey Cutlet To
1/4 in. Thickness. Sift Flour Over Both Sides Of Cutlets.  Dip Cutlets in Egg
Mixture; Dredge in Breadcrumb Mixture. Place Cutlets On A Baking Sheet Coated
With Cooking Spray. Bake At 450 For 8 Min.  Sprinkle With Chopped Parsley & Serve
With Lemon Slices.
 (Fat 6.1.  Chol. 131.)
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