*  Exported from  MasterCook  *
                          GREEK STUFFED FOOTBALLS
 Recipe By     : 
 Serving Size  : 6    Preparation Time :0:00
 Categories    : Poultry                          Greek
   Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
 --------  ------------  --------------------------------
      3/4   c            Water
      1/4   c            Uncooked Brown Rice
      1/2   lb           Ground Turkey
      1/2   c            Minced Onion
    2       cl           Garlic Minced
      1/2   ts           Oregano, 1/2 t. Thyme
      1/2   ts           Chicken Bouillon Granules
      1/4   ts           Allspice, 1/4 t. Pepper
    2                    Egg Whites
    1                    (1 Lb.) Loaf Frozen White
                         Bread Dough
    1       t            Water
    1 1/2   ts           Sesame Seeds
    Bring 3/4 C. Water To A Boil in A Saucepan.  Stir in
   Rice.  Cover, Reduce Heat & Simmer 40 Min. OR Until
   Rice Is Tender & Water Is Absorbed. Remove From Heat.
   Set Aside.
    Combine Turkey, Onion & Garlic in A Large Skillet.
   Cook Over Medium Heat Until Turkey Is Browned & Onion
   Tender.  Remove From Heat. Stir in Reserved Rice,
   Oregano, Thyme, Bouillon Granules, Allspice, Pepper &
   1 Egg White, Blending Well.
    Thaw Bread Dough According To Directions.  Place in A
   Large Bowl Coated With Cooking Spray, Turning Once To
   Coat Top.  Cover & Let Rise in A Warm Place (85
   Degrees) Free From Drafts, 1 Hour OR Until Doubled in
   Bulk. Combine Egg White & 1 t. Water, Blending Well.
   Divide Dough Into 6 Equal Portions. Roll Each Portion
   To A 7 Inch Circle.  Place 1/2 C. Turkey Mixture in
   Center Of Each Circle.  Brush Edges Of Dough With Egg
   White Mixture, Fold in Half & Seal Edges. Gently Shape
   Into An Oblong Ball. Place Seam Side Down On A Baking
   Sheet Coated With Cooking Spray. Brush Tops With Egg
   White Mixture; Sprinkle With Sesame Seeds. Bake At 400
   F. For 18 To 20 Min. OR Until Golden Brown. Serve Warm
   OR At Room Temperature.
     Serve With 3 T. Cucumber-Yogurt Sauce.
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