*  Exported from  MasterCook  *
                                One Pan Meal
 Recipe By     : Key Gourmet CD Rom
 Serving Size  : 4    Preparation Time :0:00
 Categories    : Poultry
   Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
 --------  ------------  --------------------------------
    1      pound         ground turkey
    1      small         onion
    1      small         green pepper
    1      can           (16 oz.) green beans
    1      can           (16 oz.) diced potatoes
    1      can           (16 oz.) stewed tomatoes
    1      can           tomato soup
 Brown turkey in skillet.  Pour browned turkey into Dutch oven.  Add chopped oni
 on and chopped green pepper.  Mix in green beans, diced potatoes, stewed tomato
 es, can of tomato soup.  Heat until warm through.  Salt and pepper to taste.  (
 Use “Salt Sense”.)  4 servings.
  Calories 354, fat 5.5 gm, calories from fat 14%, sodium 1302 mg.
 busted by sooz
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