---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.01
       Title: Turkey Patties Oriental
  Categories: Low-cal, Poultry, Oriental
       Yield: 4 servings
     1 1/4 lb Ground Turkey			 2 ea Tomatoes, med., cut in
     1/3 c  Dry bread crumbs                    1 x  Oriental Sauce
       1 ea Egg                                 1 c  Chicken broth
     3/4 ts Garlic salt                         1 tb Soy sauce
       1 tb Cooking oil                         2 ts Cornstarch
       2 ea Stalks celery, cut diagonal         1 ts Sugar
       1 ea Onion, cut in thin rings            1 ts Vinegar
       1 x  Green pepper, cut 3/4"pieces        1 x  Dash, white pepper
   Mix first 4 ingredients.  Form into 4-6 patties, each about
   3/4-thick.  Heat oil in large skillet over medium-high heat.
   Saute burgers 3 mediums each side, until browned.  Mix
   Oriental Sauce and pour over burgers; bring to a boil, stiring
   occasionaly.  Reduce heat; add celery, onion and pepper.
   Simmer, covered, 6 minutes.  Salt and pepper to taste.  Add
   tomato; simmer 2 to 3 minutes, until meat is no longer pink.
   Turkey Store Cookbook Offer
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   $1.95         The Turkey Store Cookbook
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