---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.01
       Title: Caribbean Ginger Turkey
  Categories: Poultry
       Yield: 4 servings
       2 lb Turkey breast, skinned            1/2 c  Water
     1/4 c  Soy sauce                         1/4 c  Brown sugar
     1/4 c  Dry sherry                          2 tb Vegetable oil
       2 tb Apricot jam                         2 ts Lemon juice
     1/2 ts Ginger                              1 ea Clove garlic, chopped
   Carefully bone turkey breast.  Remove fillet from underside of breast by
   detaching the feather-shaped piece of boneless meat beside the breast bone.
   Cut remaining breast meat into 3 equal portions.  In a plastic bag, combine
   water, soy sauce, sugar, sherry, oil, apricot jam, lemon juice, ginger and
   garlic; mix well to dissolve sugar.  Prop bag in a bowll; add turkey,
   submerge in marinade.  Marinade 4 to 6 hours or overnight. Remove meat from
   marinade, reserving marinade. Broil or barbeque turkey 12 to 15 minutes,
   turning and brushing meat with marinade. Serve with rice and garnish with
   sliced fruit.