*  Exported from  MasterCook  *
                       Turkey Curry with Raisin Rice
 Recipe By     : Diane Mott Davidson, Killer Pancakes
 Serving Size  : 4    Preparation Time :0:00
 Categories    : Apples                           Ground Turkey/Chicken
                 Main Dishes                      Onions
                 Recipes From Mysteries           Rice
   Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
 --------  ------------  --------------------------------
    1      pound         ground turkey
    1      cup           apple -- chopped, unpeeled
    1      cup           chopped onion
    1 1/2  tablespoons   olive oil
    2      tablespoons   all-purpose flour
    1      tablespoon    curry powder
    1      tablespoon    beef bouillon granules
      1/2  cup           nonfat dry milk
    2      cups          milk
 Ina small saute pan, saute' the turkey over Medium-High heat, stirring
 frequently, until browned evenly. Drain the turkey on paper towels andset
 Spray a wide nonstick skillet with vegetable oil spray. Over Medium heat,
 saute' the apple and onion, stirring frequently, until the onion is
 translucent. Set aside.=20
 In another large skillet, heat the olve oil over Low heat just until it is
 warm. Stir in the flour and curry powder. Heat and stir over Medium-Low heat
 until the flour begins to bubble. Combine the bouillon granules, dry milk
 and skim milk; whisk until combined. (The bouillon granules will dissolve
 when they are heated in the sauce.) Gradually add the milk mixture to the
 curry mixture, continuing to stir over Medium-Low heat until the mixture
 thickens. When the mixture is thick, add the turkey and the apple-onion
 mixture. Stir well and heat through. Serve over Raisin Rice.
 Raisin Rice: In a large nonstick skillet, toast 1 cup raw white rice over
 Medium heat, stirring frequently, until most of the rice is brown.
 (Appearance may be mottled, this is desirable.) Add 1/2 cup raisins and 2
 1/4 cup lowfat chicken stock (see recipe in file). Bring to a boil, reduce
 heat to Low, cover the pan and cook for 25 minutes or until the liquid is
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 NOTES : MCformatting and posted by bobbi744@sojourn.com