*  Exported from  MasterCook  *
 Recipe By     : 
 Serving Size  : 8    Preparation Time :0:00
 Categories    : Poultry
   Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
 --------  ------------  --------------------------------
    1                    Turkey (8 lb)
    1 1/2   c            Water
    1       c            Butter or margarine
                         - softened
    8       c            Crumbled cornbread/muffins
    5                    Scallions -- washed & minced
                         -(include tops)
   10       md           Mushrooms -- wiped and chopped
    1       c            Coarsely chopped pecans
   18                    Oysters -- drained and chopped
                         -(reserve liquid)
                         Turkey giblets
                         - cooked and chopped
    1                    Egg
    1                    Garlic clove
                         - peeled and crushed
    2       tb           Minced parsley
      1/2   ts           Powdered savory
      1/4   ts           Fresh ground pepper
    2 1/2   ts           Salt
    5       tb           Oyster liquid
    5       tb           Giblet-cooking water
      1/4   c            Melted butter or margarine
   Wipe turkey well with a damp cloth, inside and out.
   Remove any pinfeathers, and singe off hairs. Simmer
   the giblets in 1 1/2 c water for 20 to 30 minutes.
   Remove from cooking water, and chop. Save the cooking
   water. Mix the dressing ingredients together
   thoroughly, and stuff both neck and body cavities of
   the bird. Wrap remaining stuffing in aluminum foil.
   Skewer the openings shut, truss, and place the turkey
   breast down on a poultry rack in a large roasting pan.
   Place the foil-wrapped stuffing in the bottom of the
   pan. Rub the bird generously with about 1/4 cup of the
   softened butter. Roast the turkey, uncovered, in a
   moderately slow oven, 325 degrees, basting every 20
   minutes with a mixture of the oyster liquid,
   giblet-cooking water, and remaining butter, melted.
   After 1 1/2 hours or roasting, turn the turkey breast
   side up. Allow about 30 minutes per pound for roasting
   the turkey. The turkey is done when the leg joint
   moves easily. Makes 6 to 8 servings.
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