*  Exported from  MasterCook  *
                         ROAST TURKEY WITH STUFFING
 Recipe By     : 
 Serving Size  : 6    Preparation Time :0:00
 Categories    : Poultry                          Main dish
   Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
 --------  ------------  --------------------------------
    2       pk           Kellogg’s Stuffing Croutons
      1/2   c            Melted butter
    2       c            Broth from Giblets
    1       lb           Crumbled, fried brkfst saus.
    1       md           Onion, diced
    4       lg           Celery sticks, diced
    1       t            Poultry seasoning
      1/2   c            Water
    1                    20 lb. turkey, thawed
   Preheat oven to 325ø. Thaw turkey (20 lb. turkey will
   thaw in approx. 7 days in refrigerator). Remove wrap.
   Unhook turkey legs from retainer down by tail, then
   remove neck from body cavity. Remove giblet packet
   from neck cavity. Put these in saucepan, cover w/ 2-3
   cups water and simmer for 1 hour or more. Rinse turkey
   well and drain, returning to refrigerator until needed.
   After 1/2 hour of giblets cooking, dice celery and
   onion.  Fry sausage, crumbling, until completely done.
   Add celery and onion and 1/2 cup water to fry pan and
   let simmer 10 minutes. Using your roasting pan, empty
   2 boxes of croutons into it. Add sausage/celery/onion
   mix.  Melt 1/2 cup butter and add.  Add tsp. of
   poultry seasoning.  Add 2 cups of giblet broth.  Stir
   well until croutons are evenly moistened.
   Rinse turkey again, shake out excess water.  Stuff
   body cavity with stuffing LOOSELY (do not pack in or
   turkey will explode.. stuffing expands when cooking!)
   and put legs back into retainer to hold together.
   Stuff neck cavity.  Fold wing tips behind bird’s back,
   use to hold neck skin down so stuffing won't fall out
   from neck. Rinse out roasting pan and line with foil.
   Coat foil with vegetable oil. Coat turkey, all over,
   with vegetable oil.  Place in roasting pan.
   Add any excess stuffing that will fit on top of turkey
   legs at body cavity opening, laying on top.
   Put in oven and roast for approx. 6 1/2 to 7 hours,
   depending on oven. Roast to 180ø to 185ø internal
   temperature at thickest part of thigh without touching
   thermometer to bone, and same at thickest part of the
   breast. Baste turkey with baster last 2 hours, about
   every 15 minutes. If skin is getting too dark, tent
   with foil.
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