---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02
  Categories: Diabetic, Turkey, Lo/no-fat
       Yield: 4 servings
       2 c  Cauliflower florets
   1 1/2 c  Turkey stock
       2 ts Wholewh. or all-purp. flour
       1 ts Parsley flakes
       2 ts Onion flakes
       1 ts Salt
     1/4 ts Black pepper
     1/2 lb Turkey breast, cooked
   Cook cauliflower in boiling, salted water for 6 min or until almost tender.
   Combine stock, flour and seasonings in a small saucepan.  Cook and stir
   until mixture is slightly thickened.
   Place turkey breast in a greased baking pan.  Arrange cauliflower around
   turkey breast.  Pour sauce over turkey and cauliflower.  Bake in 350 F oven
   20-25 min or until heated through.
   4 servings, each 112 calories 1 med-fat meat, 1 vegetable exchange
   Source:  Diabetic High Fiber Cookbook by Mary Jane Finsand c. 1985 Shared
   but not tested by Elizabeth Rodier Oct 93