MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.01
       Title: Turkey with Apricots and Chiles
  Categories: Side dish
       Yield: 6 servings
   1 1/2 c  Uncooked long-grain white
       2 t  Nondiet tub-style canola
            -margarine or corn oil
       1 c  Chopped onion
       2    Garlic cloves, minced
   1 1/4 c  Defatted chicken broth,
       1 t  Ground cumin
     1/4 t  Ground coriander
     1/4 t  Ground allspice
      10    Dried apricots, quartered
       1 tb Chopped canned green chiles
       1 c  Chopped fresh tomato
       1 lb Cooked turkey breast meat,
            -cut into bite-sized pieces
            Apricots sliced into strips
            -for garnish, if desired
   Cook rice according to package directions.
   Combine margarine, onion, garlic, and 2 tablespoons broth in Dutch
   oven or similar large pot. Cook over medium heat, stirring
   frequently, until onion is soft, 5 or 6 minutes. If liquid begins to
   evaporate, add a bit more broth.
   Stir in cumin, coriander and allspice. Add remaining broth, apricots,
   chiles and tomato. Stir to mix well. Reduce heat, cover and simmer 10
   minutes, or until flavors are well-blended. Stir in turkey and cook an
   additional 5 minutes.
   Serve over rice, garnished with apricot strips, if desired.