---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02
  Categories: Harned 1994, Main dish, Nuts, Pork, Poultry
       Yield: 8 servings
       1    Fresh turkey; with giblets
            -- (10 to 12 lbs.)
       4 tb Unsalted butter (1/2 stick)
            -- at room temperature
       1 lb Fresh chestnuts; peeled*
       3 c  ;Water
       1 lb Pork sausage
       2    Shallots; peeled
            -- finely chopped
     1/4 c  Fresh parsley; fine chopped
       4    Fresh thyme sprigs or
     1/2 ts Dried thyme
       1    Bay leaf
            Salt and pepper; to taste
       2    Garlic cloves
            -- peeled and minced
       2    Eggs; beaten
       1 c  Dry white wine
       2 lg Onions; peeled
            -- each cut into 8 wedges
       4 md Carrots; peeled
            -- cut in 2 pieces
   *To peel chestnuts, make a small cut on the flat side
   of each chestnut, making sure to cut all the way
   through the outer skin. Place chestnuts in a
   medium-size saucepan, cover with water, and bring to a
   boil over high heat.  Then reduce heat to low.  Remove
   several chestnuts from the water and peel them with a
   sharp paring knife, being sure to remove both the
   outer peel and the dark inner skin that is attached to
   the meat.  If the chestnuts cool before you have a
   chance to peel them, place them back in the water to
   heat, as it is virtually impossible to remove the
   inner skin when the chestnut is cool.
   Remove giblets and neck from the turkey; set aside.
   Rinse the turkey well inside and out until the water
   runs clear.  Pat it thoroughly dry. Carefully separate
   the skin from the breast by running your fingers
   between the skin and the meat, being careful not to
   poke any holes in the skin.  Spread the butter on the
   Bring the water to a boil in a vegetable steamer over
   high heat.  Add the chestnuts, cover, and steam until
   they are tender, about 30 minutes. Remove the steamer
   basket from the heat.
   In a medium-size bowl, gently break the chestnuts into
   bite-size pieces. Mixing well after each addition,
   stir in the pork, shallots, herbs, salt and pepper,
   garlic and eggs.  Chop giblets and add them to the
   mixture, mixing well.  To test for seasoning, pinch
   off a teaspoon of the mixture and cook it in a small
   skillet over medium heat until it is cooked through.
   Taste for seasoning and adjust accordingly.
   Fill the turkey with as much stuffing as it will hold,
   but don't pack it tightly.  Truss the turkey.  Place
   the turkey in a large roasting pan, and pour wine
   around it.  Roast at 350 F. until turkey is golden,
   basting every 30 minutes with pan liquids.  If the
   breast is browning too quickly, cover it loosely with
   aluminum foil.  After 2 hours, add the onions and
   carrots to the pan, spacing them evenly around the
   turkey.  The turkey is done when the skin is golden,
   the thigh is tender when pressed, and the leg joints
   move easily up and down in their sockets, 3 to 3 1/2
   hours more.
   Remove turkey from the oven and from the roasting pan;
   let it rest for at least 30 minutes or as long as 45
   minutes before carving. While it is resting, turn the
   turkey over so it is resting on its breast.  Prop the
   legs so they are slightly higher than the breast,
   allowing juices to run back into the breast meat.
   Reduce the cooking juices slightly over medium-high
   heat, about 2 minutes, scraping up any brown bits.
   Season to taste with salt and pepper.  Strain juices
   and pour into a gravy boat.
   Scoop out the stuffing into a serving dish and keep
   warm while you carve the turkey.  Serve; pass the
   gravy boat.
   Yield: 8 to 10 servings.
   The stuffing is good for any poultry, and can be
   cooked on its own and served as a side dish to pork
   roast as well.  To cook the stuffing separately, bake
   it in a covered dish at 350 F. until it is nearly
   cooked all the way through, about 30 minutes.  Then
   remove the cover and continue cooking until it has
   browned slightly on top and is clearly cooked through,
   an additional 10 to 15 minutes.  If you cook the
   stuffing separately, your turkey may take slightly
   less time to cook.
   Also good accompanied by either a red Burgundy or a
   From _Farm House Cookbook_ by Susan Herrmann Loomis.
   New York: Workman Publishing Company, Inc., 1991.  Pp.
   174-175.  ISBN 0-89480-772-2. Electronic format by
   Cathy Harned.