---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02
       Yield: 8 servings
      14 oz Ground Turkey (since beef
            Is now available in diet
            Lean, I sometimes use that
            9 % fat is less than the
            Ground turkey in my store.)
       2 ea Eggs, lightly beaten
      18 ea Saltine crackers, crumbled
     1/4 c  Uncooked oatmeal
       1 c  Green peas
     1/2 c  Finely chopped onion
     1/3 c  Corn
       2 tb Chopped Parsley
       1 tb Worcestershire Sauce
       1 ea Clove Garlic, minced
     1/4 ts Salt
     1/4 ts Freshly ground pepper
       6 oz (3/4 c) tomato sauce
       2 c  Steamed cauliflower and
            Brocolli (not in recipe..
            To round out meal)
   1. Preheat Oven to 350 degrees F.
   2. In large bowl, throughly mix all ingredients
   (except cauliflower and brocolli--they are a
   recommended side dish)
   3. Turn into ring pan or 9X5 loaf pan that has been
   coated with non-stick spray.
   4. Bake 50-60 minutes. Let stand 15 minutes
   5. Unmold onto serving platter and garnish with
   steamed cauliflower and brocolli.
   DAM CARDS: 1 bread
   :          2 Meat
   :          1 Vegetable
   This is quite good!
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   =================== BBS: Ned’s Opus Date: 02-28-94
   (02:31) Number: 195 From: JOANNE DANZER Refer#: 194
   To: ALL Recvd: NO Subj: DAM/WW Recipes Conf: (7)