*  Exported from  MasterCook Mac  *
                           Turkey Wings and Gravy
 Recipe By     : Sylvia Woods (Sylvia’s Restuarant in New York City)
 Serving Size  : 6    Preparation Time :0:00
 Categories    : Poultry                          Soul Food
   Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
 --------  ------------  --------------------------------
    6                    turkey wings
                          - about 3 1/4 pounds
    2      stalks        celery -- sliced 1/2 " thick
    1      small         onion -- thinly sliced
    1      medium        green bell pepper -- cored, seeded and
                          -- thinly sliced
    1 1/2  teaspoons     poultry seasoning
    2      teaspoons     salt
      1/4  teaspoon      black pepper -- freshly ground
      1/4  cup           all-purpose flour
      1/2  cup           water
    2      teaspoons     GravyMaster
 1) Cut each wing into 3 pieces at the joints.  Place the wing pieces, celery.
onions, and green peppers in a large pot with enough cold water to cover.  Add
the poultry seasoning. salt, and pepper, and heat to boiling.  Reduce the heat to
simmering and simmer until the wing pieces are very tender, about 1 1/2 hours. 
Check the seasoning once or twice during cooking and adjust as necessary.
 2) In a bowl, stir the flour into the water until smooth.  Slowly stir the flour
mixture into a the simmering turkey liquid until it is smooth and thickened. 
Stir in the GravyMaster.  Taste the gravy and add seasoning if necessary.  Thin
the gravy with a little water if necessary.  Serve hot, passing extra gravy.
                    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
 Per serving: 531 Calories; 32g Fat (55% calories from fat); 52g Protein; 6g
Carbohydrate; 178mg Cholesterol; 953mg Sodium
 Serving Ideas : Corn Bread Dressing
 NOTES : The tougher cuts of meat and poultry are the least expensive and have the
most flavor.