---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02
  Categories: Beverages
       Yield: 5 servings
       7 lb Light honey
   1 1/2 lb Corn sugar
       1 oz To 6 oz fresh ginger root
   1 1/2 ts Gypsum
       3 ts Yeast nutrient OR...
     1/4 oz Yeast extract
     1/4 ts Irish moss powder
       1 lb To 6 lbs crushed fruit
       3 oz Lemongrass, or other spices
       1 pk Champagne yeast
     3/4 c  Corn sugar (bottling)
   Boil 1 1/2 gallons of water, the honey, corn sugar, grated ginger root,
   gypsum, citric acid, irish moss, and yeast nutrient for 15 minutes.  Turn
   the heat off.  If you're going to add fruit (this is entirely optional, as
   are the spices) then fish out as much of the ginger root shavings as you
   can.  Then add your crushed fruit or concentrate and let it steep for 10-15
   minutes.  Some ideas for fruit are:  Sour cherries, blackberries,
   raspberries, blueberries, chokecherries, rhubarb, grapes, grape
   concentrate... go wild here. Pour the entire must (unsparged if fruit is
   added) into an open primary fermenter and add about 3 gallons of cold
   water.  When cooled to 70 to 78 degrees, hydrate and pitch your yeast.
   After the specific gravity has fallen to 1.020 or within 7 days, whichever
   comes first, rack the brew into a secondary fermenter. Leave the fruit
   behind.  Age 1 to 1 1/2 months in the secondary fermenter. Bottle with 3/4
   cups priming sugar. If using spices or herbs as a flavoring, add them now
   by making a “tea” and adding them at bottling time. The flavors will be
   fresher and sharper. Some suggested spices are lemon grass, citrus peel
   (just the zest, not the white part), etc. If using cloves, cinnamon, or
   hops go lightly on these. Adding flavors in this manner also allows you to
   use different flavors in the same batch, since you're just adding a “tea”
   to the mead at bottling time. You can bottle two or three flavors at once
   this way! This mead should age from 3 months up to a year to allow the
   harsh flavors to mellow out. Tasting at 6 months will show approximate
   flavor profile. Serve well chilled.