*  Exported from  MasterCook  *
                            Candian Lunar Lager
 Recipe By     : Charlie Papazian
 Serving Size  : 50   Preparation Time :1:30
 Categories    : Amber Beers                      Canadian/Austrailian Beers
                 Light Beers
   Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
 --------  ------------  --------------------------------
    5      lbs           amber hopped malt extract
      1/2  oz            Wiliamette hops -- finishing
    1      pkg           ale yeast
      3/4  c             corn sugar -- bottling
 O.G.: 1.032-1.038 (8-9.5)
 F.G.: 1.007-1.011 (2-3)
 Boil the malt with 1 1/2 gal of water for 45 min.  During final 5 min, add the
finishing hops for flavor.  Sparge and ferment for 3 weeks and bottle
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 NOTES : light instead of amber extract, Fuggles may subsitute for hops