*  Exported from  MasterCook  *
                              Cherry Liqueur 1
 Recipe By     : Making Cordials & Liqueurs at Home, J.P. Farrell
 Serving Size  : 1    Preparation Time :0:00
 Categories    : Cordials & Liqueurs              Fifth
   Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
 --------  ------------  --------------------------------
    2      Cups          Ripe Bing Cherries
    2      Tbsp          Powdered Sugar
    1      Pint          Brandy
    6      Oz            100-Proof Vodka
    1      Pinch         Mace
      1/3  Cup           Sugar Syrup
 The cherries should be thoroughly pricked or pierced several times each
 so that the interior parts of the cherries come into contact with the
 alcohol solution.  ut the cherries in a jar with powdered sugar sprinkled
 over them. Add the brandy and vodka.  If the cherries are not covered,
 add a little more brandy until they are.  Close the jar well and store in
 a warm place (about 80 degrees) for six weeks.  Pour off the liquid;
 extract additional liquid from the cherries.  add the mace and sugar
 syrup. Shake well and filter through cheesecloth to get any remaining
 fruit particles out.  
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