---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02
  Categories: Soups
       Yield: 4 servings
       1    Ripe avocado
       2 lg Leaves romaine (or other)
     1/4 c  Chopped green onions, with
       1    Clove garlic, mashed
       2 tb Lime or lemon juice
       1    To 2 Tbsp pure ground chili
       4    Sprigs fresh coriander
       4 c  Chicken stock
   Serves 4
   Cut avocado into quarters, remove pit and peel, and put the flesh in a
   blender or processor.  Tear the romaine leaves into pieces and add to
   blender.  Add remaining ingredients, together with half the stock, and
   puree until smooth.  Combine with remaining stock in a pan and simmer,
   covered, 10 minutes.
   I Hear America Cooking From the collection of Jim Vorheis