Date:    Tue, 12 Jul 94 11:16:05 PDT
 From: (Reggie Dwork)
                     *  Exported from  MasterCook II  *
                           Blueberry Oatmeal Cake
 Recipe By     : The Mormon Diet Cookbook
 Serving Size  : 8    Preparation Time :1:10
 Categories    : Cakes                            Desserts
                 Fruit                            Vegetarian
   Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
 --------  ------------  --------------------------------
    1      C             Blueberries
      1/4  C             Sugar -- +2 T
      1/3  C             Corn Syrup
    2                    Egg Whites -- or sub. reconstitute
      3/4  C             Flour, All-Purpose
    2      Tbsp          Cornstarch
    1      Tsp           Baking Soda
      1/3  C             Oatmeal -- uncooked
      1/2  tsp           Lemon Rind -- grated
      1/4  tsp           Nutmeg
      1/8  tsp           Cardamom
      1/2  C             Nonfat Mayonnaise
 Spray bottom and sides of 9 layer cake pan.  Line bottom with wax paper.
 In sm. bowl, combine blueberries and 2 T of sugar.  Spoon into pan.
 In lg. bowl, mix corn syrup and remaining sugar.  Add egg whites or egg 
 replacer; beat until light and fluffy.
 Combine dry ingredients and lemon rind.  Stir into egg mixture, 
 alternating with mayonnaise.
 Carefully spoon over berries in pan.
 Bake in a 350 deg. F. oven for 30 - 45 min or until top springs back when 
 Remove from oven; let stand 5 min.  Loosen sides with metal spatula.  
 Invert on cooling rack and remove wax paper.
 Typed for you by Reggie Dwork
                    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
 NOTES : PREP TIME: 25 min
        BAKING TIME: 45 min
        Cal.  148.1
        Fat  0.4 g
        Carbs  35.3 g
        Protein  2.7 g
        Sodium  348 mg
        Dietary Fiber  0.9 g
        CFF  2.5%