---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05
       Title: Light and Easy Chocolate Cheese Filled Angel Cake
  Categories: Cheesecakes, Chocolate
       Yield: 8 servings
      10    White angel food cake
     1/3 c  Sugar
       3 tb Dutch process cocoa
       2 tb Hot water
       1 c  Yogurt cheese
   1 1/2 ts Vanilla extract; divided
       1    Dry whipped topping mix;
            -(1.3 oz.)
     1/2 c  Cold skim milk
      This lighter chocolate dessert has a bonus because it is
   also easy to prepare. Plan to make this recipe one day
   ahead to let the yogurt “drain” in your refrigerator.
       Prepare yogurt cheese. Cut angel food cake into 3
   horizontal layers. In small bowl, stir together sugar,
   cocoa and hot water until smooth; stir in 1 teaspoon
   vanilla. Stir in yogurt cheese until well blended. Prepare
   whipped topping mix as directed on package, using 1/2 cup
   milk and remaining 1/2 teaspoon vanilla; fold into cocoa
   mixture. Spread cocoa mixture between layers and on top and
   sides of cake. Cover and refrigerate.
   Serves 8. Calories: 141, Fat: 2 grams per serving.