---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05
       Title: Chocolate Lava Cakes
  Categories: Cakes, Chocolate
       Yield: 8 servings
            Chocolate lava filling:
       3 oz Bittersweet chocolate
            ; finely chopped
            Or semisweet chocolate
       6 tb Whipping cream
       1 tb Light corn syrup
       1 ts Vanilla
       8 oz Bittersweet chocolate
            ; finely chopped
     1/4 c  Hot coffee or water
   1 1/2 ts Vanilla
     3/4 c  All-purpose flour
     1/8 ts Salt
     1/2 c  Unsalted butter; softened
     1/2 c  Sugar
       3 lg Eggs; separated
            Cocoa powder for the tops
            Ice cream or custard sauce
            ; for serving
   These individual chocolate cakes have a soft center of
   chocolate fudge that erupts in a rich, dark puddle from the
   warm cakes. They're best served just out of the oven.
   For the filling, line a plastic ice cube tray with a large
   piece of plastic wrap.  With your fingers, gently poke the
   plastic down into eight of the cubes so they are fully
   lined with plastic. Melt the chocolate with the cream and
   corn syrup; whisk until smooth. Add the vanilla, set aside
   to cool until tepid. Fill the eight lined ice cube cups
   with the chocolate; freeze at least 4 hours, or cover and
   freeze up to a month. For the cakes, place rack in center
   of oven and heat to 425~.