---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05
       Title: Chocolate Ripple Cake, Low Calorie
  Categories: Cakes, Chocolate
       Yield: 10 servings
      16 oz Reduced fat chocolate cake
       1 c  Water
     1/2 c  Fat-free sour cream
       2    Egg whites; whipped
       8 oz Fat-free cream cheese;
     1/3 c  Granulated sugar
       2    Egg whites; whipped
     1/4 c  Coconut
      16 oz Reduced fat milk chocolate
       8 oz Fat-free cream cheese;
   Recipe by: Cooking In Clay
   Preparation Time: 0:10
   Soak top and bottom of a clay pot in water for at least 15
   minutes. To prepare batter, combine cake mix, water, sour
   cream, and 2 egg whites in a mixing bowl; set aside. In
   another mixing bowl, combine 8 ounces cream cheese, sugar,
   remaining egg whites, and coconut. Line bottom and up sides
   of pot with waxed paper. Pour 1/2 of the chocolate mixture
   and spread cream cheese mixture on top. Pour remaining
   chocolate mixture over top.
   Cover and place in a cold oven. Set temperature to 400.
   Bake for 60 minutes. Meanwhile to prepare topping, combine
   frosting and remaining cream cheese in a mixing bowl. Mix
   until smooth. If frosting is too thick add a little water.
   Spread over cooled cake.