*  Exported from MasterCook Mac  *
                          Chocolate Macaroon Cake
 Recipe By     : Over 200 Ways To Use Your Bundt Pans
 Serving Size  : 9    Preparation Time :0:15
 Categories    : Cakes
   Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
 --------  ------------  --------------------------------
    2      c             unbleached flour
    1 3/4  c             granulated sugar
      1/2  c             cocoa powder -- sifted
      1/4  tsp           salt
    1      tsp           baking soda
    2      tsps          vanilla
      3/4  c             cold water
      1/2  c             margarine -- softened
      1/2  c             sour cream
    3                    egg whites -- at room temperature
    1                    egg white -- at room temperature
      1/4  c             granulated sugar
    1      c             coconut -- grated
    1      tbsp          unbleached flour
    1      tsp           vanilla
 Preheat oven at 350. Prepare a 12-cup Bundt Pan with cooking spray and
 flour. To prepare batter, combine flour, 1 3/4 cups sugar, cocoa, salt,
 and baking soda in a mixing bowl. In another mixing bowl, combine water,
 margarine, sour cream, and 3 egg whites. Mix dry ingredients with wet
 ingredients just until moistened. Pour batter into prepared pan. Meanwhile,
 to prepare topping, combine remaining egg white, sugar, coconut, flour, and
 vanilla in a mixing bowl. Drop by teaspoonfuls over the chocolate batter.
 Bake for 60 minutes.
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