---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05
       Title: Cocoa Crater Cake
  Categories: Cheesecakes, Chocolate
       Yield: 1 servings
            Crater filling:
       3 tb Butter or margarine
       3 tb Hershey’s cocoa
     2/3 c  Powdered sugar
       1 tb Milk
     1/4 ts Vanilla extract
   1 3/4 c  All-purpose flour
   1 1/2 c  Granulated sugar
     2/3 c  Hershey’s cocoa
   1 1/2 ts Baking soda
       1 ts Salt
   1 1/2 c  Dairy sour cream
     1/2 c  Butter or margarine;
       2    Eggs
       1 ts Vanilla extract
     1/2 c  Chopped nuts
            Powdered sugar (optional)
   Recipe by: www.hersheys.com
   1. Heat oven to 350 F. Grease and flour 13x9x2-inch baking
   pan. Prepare CRATER FILLING.
    2. In large bowl, stir together flour, sugar, cocoa,
   baking soda and salt. Add sour cream, butter, eggs and
   vanilla; blend on low speed. Beat on medium speed of
   electric mixer 3 minutes, scraping bowl occasionally. Pour
   batter into prepared pan.
    3. Drop half teaspoonfuls of filling 1 inch apart over top
   of batter. With fork, marble filling lightly over batter.
   Sprinkle nuts over top.
    4. Bake 35 to 40 minutes or until wooden pick inserted in
   cake portion near center comes out clean. Cool completely
   in pan on wire rack. Sprinkle powdered sugar over top, if
   desired. 12 to 15 servings.
   1. In small saucepan over low heat, melt butter. Add
   cocoa, stirring constantly until blended and smooth.
    2. In small mixer bowl, combine powdered sugar, milk and
   vanilla. Add cocoa mixture; beat on high speed of electric
   mixer 2 minutes.JMHershey’s is a registered trademark of
   Hershey Foods Corporation. Recipe may be reprinted courtesy
   of the Hershey Kitchens.